Date: 24 February 2023, Friday // 08:30-12:30
Venue: RMK AIMES & Koç University Hospital
This course mainly covers the technical features and clinical uses of surgical instruments (endoscopes) and auxiliary equipment that should be available in the armamentarium for retrograde intrarenal surgery (RIRS). Attendees will learn a variety of techniques through engaging hands-on skills learning on fresh-frozen human cadavers and silicone-based models. Additionally, the attendees will be experienced the utilization both of high-power HoYAG-laser and Thulium fiber laser (TFL) for lithotripsy. Attendees will leave the course with an improved understanding of treating their patients through transureteral access.
In the first part of the course, the attendees will have a presentation about endourological armamentarium including endoscopes, lasers and ancillary equipment for RIRS.
In the second part of the course, all participants will apply the RIRS technique on the fresh-frozen human cadaver and silicone-based models under the guidance of the tutors.
Ben Turney
Yakup Kordan
Sarah Howles
Murat Can Kiremit
08.30 | Welcome |
08.30-09.30 | Lectures & video presentations |
09.30-11.00 | RIRS on the fresh frozen human cadaver (stones will be produced artificially and placed prior to the surgeries) Group 1 |
09.30-11.00 | RIRS on the silicone-based models (stones will be produced artificially and placed prior to the surgeries) Group 2 |
11.00-12.30 | RIRS on the silicone-based models (stones will be produced artificially and placed prior to the surgeries) Group 1 |
11.00-12.30 | RIRS on the fresh frozen human cadaver (stones will be produced artificially and placed prior to the surgeries) Group 2 |
Registration Fee
Advanced International Minimally Invasive Stone Surgery (AIMESS) Course | 8.000 TL |
Course Registration fees include:
- Scientific Sessions
- Lunches and coffee breaks during the event
The prices do not include VAT of 18%