Dates: 2-3 September 2023
Venue: RMK AIMES Surgical Training Center
ESRU Alumni CLUB Symposium
2 September 2023, Saturday
Venue: RMK AIMES*, Istanbul, Turkey
*RMK AIMES: Rahmi M. Koç Academy of Interventional Medicine, Education and Simulation
COURSE 1 – ESRU Alumni CLUB Da Vinci Robotic Simulator Training Course
3 September 2023, Sunday
Venue: RMK AIMES*, Istanbul, Turkey
*RMK AIMES: Rahmi M. Koç Academy of Interventional Medicine, Education and Simulation
COURSE 2 – ESRU Alumni CLUB Laparoscopic Training Box EBLUS Course
3 September 2023, Sunday
Venue: RMK AIMES*, Istanbul, Turkey
*RMK AIMES: Rahmi M. Koç Academy of Interventional Medicine, Education and Simulation
COURSE 3 – ESRU Alumni CLUB Robotic Upper Urinary Tract Porcine Model Course
3 September 2023, Sunday
Venue: RMK AIMES*, Istanbul, Turkey
*RMK AIMES: Rahmi M. Koç Academy of Interventional Medicine, Education and Simulation
Symposium & Course Summary:

Dr.A.Erdem Canda
Koç University Hospital
Department of Urology
Director, RMK AIMES Surgical Training & Convention Center
Istanbul, TR

Dr.Emre Huri
Professor of Urology
Hacettepe University
School of Medicine
Department of Urology
Ankara, TR
Introducing components of Da Vinci surgical robotic system, lectures and video presentations about upper urinary tract robotic urological procedures, practicing with Da Vinci robotic simulators and performing robotic upper urinary tract surgery procedures on pigs under anaesthesia.
During our symposium past ESRU members including Dr.Maria Fernanda Lorenzo (Spain’s past NCO), Dr. Nordine Amara (France’s past NCO), Dr. Fabrizio Dal Moro (Italy), Dr. Selçuk Sarıkaya-Dr. Emre Huri & Dr. A. Erdem Canda (Türkiye’s past NCOs) gave talks. Dr. Henning Olsen (Denmark’s past NCO) gave an online talk. During this symposium some of past NCOs met more than 20 years later in a scientific setting in an attempt to share their experience and knowledge with each other and with residents who attended this meeting. Therefore, this meeting constituted a bridge between past & present generations. During the courses particularly Dr. Nordine Amara, Dr. Emre Huri & Dr. A. Erdem Canda shared their experience with the participants on robotic urology.

Dr.A.Erdem Canda
Koç University Hospital
Department of Urology
Director, RMK AIMES Surgical Training & Convention Center
Istanbul, TR
It was wonderful to meet again my dear past ESRU colleagues after many many years in a scientific setting in Istanbul. In addition to sharing our experience and knowledge with each other and with the participants especially with the residents, we had the chance of talking about our past ESRU days when we were residents. Myself, Fernanda and Nordine were residents representing our countries during 1998-2003 period. We participated in ESRU Board Meeting at Stockholm, Brussels, Bratislava, Geneva and many more locations particularly during EAU congresses in the past. Although many years have passed since then, our friendship has continued. It is wonderful to see that everyone is a very experienced urologist now focusing on certain subjects. It was great to meet again and we definitely plan many more meeting in the future and all welcome to join.

Dr. Selçuk Sarıkaya
Associate Professor of Urology
University of Health Sciences
Gülhane Training & Research Hospital
Department of Urology
Ankara, TR
European Society of Residents in Urology (ESRU) is still one of the most active and effective groups of European Association of Urology (EAU). It has been always a great honour for me to be a part of this group. After years, the meeting has reminded us perfect memories with a great organization. Dedicated names in the field of urology have performed their inspiring presentations regarding their subspecialities. Also social events allowed us to get together. I’m sure that there will be excellent organizations in the following time period with new ESRU Alumni club members. I would like express my gratitudes towards the organization committee, Prof.Canda, Prof.Huri and also Koc University RMK AIMES Training center staff. Hope to see you all soon!

Dr. Nordine Amara
Centre Hospitalier de Dunkirk
Department of Urology, Oncology, and Robotic Surgery
Dunkirk, France
Hello there, my fellow urologist! I met Erdem approximately two decades ago when we were both residents in the field of Urology. Those were remarkable times. We had the privilege of representing our country as national communication officers while traveling across Europe. These journeys were not only educational but also filled with wonderful social programs. Istanbul was a highlight of our journey, where we experienced an enriching scientific program and explored the mesmerizing beauty of the city. Meeting everyone during that time was truly a pleasure.

Dr.Henning Olsen
Professor of Paediatric Urology
Urological Surgeon
Dept of Clinical Medicine
Aarhus University
What an outstanding initiative to bring together ESRU alumni to share their life experiences. Regrettably, I could only participate through a video message due to my concurrent commitment to the 23rd Practical Course in Robotic & Laparoscopic Urology & Paediatric Urology in Aarhus, Denmark.
This course is a hands-on training experience with a limited number of participants, usually two to three per instructor. Its primary objective is to enhance hand-eye coordination, with a particular emphasis on suturing. Even though robotic technology plays a significant role, it cannot replace the fundamental importance of honing these essential skills and understanding Newton’s laws.
One critical tip I would like to share is to dissect from the bottom up during the procedure to prevent blood from obstructing your field of vision. I anticipate that the 24th course, which focuses on complications and retroperitoneal access, will take place at the same location and time.
Hope to see you all at another occasion.