This course will be only Extended Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection & Robotic Radical Cystectomy With Intracorporeal Ileal Loop Formation Human Fresh Frozen Cadaver Course.
Dates: 20-21 December 2022, Tuesday & Wednesday
Venue: RMK AIMES*, Istanbul, Turkey
*RMK AIMES: Rahmi M. Koç Academy of Interventional Medicine, Education and Simulation
Extended Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection & Robotic Radical Cystectomy With Intracorporeal Ileal Loop Formation Human Fresh Frozen Cadaver Course: 1000 USD + 18%Tax

Prof.A.Erdem Canda
Course Secretary & Faculty
Director, RMK AIMES
Koç University Hospital
Department of Urology
We successfully completed our robotic urology courses on 19-21 December2022 at RMK AIMES Surgical Training Centre in Istanbul.
We had 3 faculty members including Mr. Salah Albuheissi (Bristol, UK), Dr. Mudhar Hasan (Dubai) and Dr.A.Erdem Canda (Istanbul, Turkey).
We had 4 participants during our courses.
Day-1: Robotic upper urinary tract porcine model course:
We had 2 trainees for 1 kidney. Trainees performed abdominalal port insertion, robot docking, renal pedicle dissection, robotic partial nephrectomy (upper pole, medial lobe, lower pole and heni-nephrectomy), robotic nephrectomy, ureteral dissection and uretero-ureterostomy. Tips & tricks were explained during the course by the faculty with interactive discussions. Da Vinci robotic simulator training was also included.
Day-2: Robotic radical cystectomy with intracorporeal ideal loop formation course:
We had 2 trainees. Trainees performed insertion of abdominal ports, robotic radical cystectomy and extended pelvic LN dissection. Following identification of caecum, terminal ileum and appendix, a 20 cm vascular tape was introduced into the abdomen and trainees measured 20 cm terminal ileum that will be spared. Thereafter, bed-side assistant introduced laparoscopic ileal stapler to segregate 20 cm ileum following sparing 20 cm terminal ileum to be used for intracorporeal ileal loop. Left ureter was passed to the right side below the sigmoid colon. A Wallace type uretero-ureteral and uretero-ileal anastomosis was performed. JJ stents were used during the anastomosis. Intracorporeal ileal loop formation is completed. Tips & tricks are explained during the course by the faculty with interactive discussions. Da Vinci robotic simulator training was also included.
Day-3: Live case observation in the OR:
Prof.Yakup Kordan performed a live case of robotic nerve sparing radical prostatectomy with extended pelvic LN dissection and Prof. A. Erdem Canda performed a live case of robotic adenomectomy for BPH. Trainees observed the live cases with interactive discussion.

Mr. Imran Ahmad
Honorary Consultant Urological & Robotic Surgeon
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital,
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Clinical Senior Lecturer
Institute of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow
CRUK Clinician Scientist
Prostate Cancer Biology Group, CRUK Beatson Institute
I am very very impressed with the whole facility. I have visited a lot of training center in the UK, Europe and North America and I have to say this is probably the best in terms of the facility, the operating rooms, equipments and the faculty. This is a perfect and ideal location between east and west offering many courses to many colleagues including urologists and other surgeons.

Dr. Adib Attar
Mediclinic Parkview Hospital
Department of Urology
I was trained in Germany and now I am working in Dubai. I am very much impressed with this state-of-art training center and actually it is really brilliant. I would recommend this robotic course to everybody who are interested. Course was 3-days and we had a lot of support from Prof. Canda and it was really great and outstanding!

Dr. Ignacio Castillon
HU Puerta de Hierro
Director of School of Laparoscopy
Madrid, Spain
I am Prof.Canda’s friend and I have visited RMK AIMES training to have an idea about robotic courses. I can say this is one of the best training centers that I have been in my life. I believe it is among the best ones in Europe and in the world. Here you can get training on all simulation models, stating from simulators and POP trainers. You have huge 9 stage laparoscopic rooms to train on animals, simulation models. You have a very nice robotic surgery operating room where you can get training on cadaver models. You also have a very good facility for meetings and big audience. You can also have live surgeries performed. Having the combination of all those training tools make this training center a reference for the world!

Dr. Julian Cornelius
Uroviva Spezialklinik
Department of Urology
Bülach, Switzerland
I have attended the robotic cystectomy with intracorporeal urinary diversion human fresh frozen cadaver and upper urinary tract procine model course. I had a fantastic time learning many new things and techniques. We had great colleagues attending all around the world. We had great hospitality and had a wonderful time here!
For any consultant as well as (Senior) resident this course gives an unique opportunity to improve their surgical skills as well as to profit from a first class course with outstanding technical and environmental standarts. Not least, Prof. Canda and the whole team made this experience a important step in my personal career.

Dr. Jose Manuel El-Asmar
American University of Beirut
Department of Urology
This is my first time here in this training center and I think for residents and trainees this the perfect place to establish their confidence especially that the workshops involve cadavers. My experience has been very very efficient. You can get training on human fresh frozen cadavers as a trainee, do the mistakes that you usually do without being afraid of. The facility is really the state-of-art and I have never seen anything like this. I have read about other places but RMK AIMES training center is absolutely state-of-art.